`;document.body.appendChild(d);};{const d = document.createElement('div');d.innerHTML = ``;document.body.appendChild(d);};{const d = document.createElement('div');d.innerHTML = ``;document.body.appendChild(d);};{
function(e) {
if (e.data.event && e.data.event.indexOf('calendly') === 0) {
zaraz.track("calendly", {calendly_event: e.data.event.split('.')[1]})
};{const d = document.createElement('div');d.innerHTML = ``;document.body.appendChild(d);};{
document.addEventListener( 'wpcf7mailsent', function( event ) {
zaraz.track("cf7formsubmit", {formid: event.detail.contactFormId})
}, false );
};{const d = document.createElement('div');d.innerHTML = ``;document.body.appendChild(d);};{
const updateButtonDisplay = () => {
const host = document.querySelector('.cf_modal_container').shadowRoot;
const button = host.getElementById('cf_consent-buttons__save');
const checkbox0Checked = host.getElementById('checkbox-0').checked;
const checkbox1Checked = host.getElementById('checkbox-1').checked;
button.style.display = (checkbox0Checked && checkbox1Checked) || (!checkbox0Checked && !checkbox1Checked) ? 'none' : 'block';
const consentCookieExists = () => {
// Checks if the 'cf_consent' cookie exists in the browser's cookie store
const consentCookie = document.cookie.split(';').find(row => row.trim().startsWith('cf_consent='));
return !!consentCookie; // Returns true if the cookie exists, false otherwise
// Include all GDPR countries plus Switzerland
const isSubjectToGDPR = (countryCode) => ['CH'].includes(countryCode);
const handleZarazConsentAPIReady = () => {
const consentHasBeenSet = consentCookieExists();
//console.log('Country Code:', 'US'); // Debug log
//console.log('Consent Has Been Set:', consentHasBeenSet); // Debug log
// Default denial until consent is confirmed
zaraz.set("google_consent_default", {
'ad_storage': 'denied',
'ad_user_data': 'denied',
'ad_personalization': 'denied',
'analytics_storage': 'denied'
// Show consent modal based on the country and whether consent has been set
//if (isSubjectToGDPR('US') && !consentHasBeenSet) {
if ( !consentHasBeenSet) {
//console.log('Displaying Modal'); // Debug log
zaraz.consent.modal = true;
const host = document.querySelector('.cf_modal_container').shadowRoot;
const button = host.getElementById('cf_consent-buttons__save');
button.style.display = 'none';
host.querySelector('#checkbox-0').addEventListener('change', updateButtonDisplay);
host.querySelector('#checkbox-1').addEventListener('change', updateButtonDisplay);
// Add event listener after modal is displayed
const zarazConsentChoicesUpdated = () => {
const consent = zaraz.consent.getAll();
zaraz.set("google_consent_default", {
'ad_storage': consent.bxIA ? "granted" : "denied",
'ad_user_data': consent.bxIA ? "granted" : "denied",
'ad_personalization': consent.bxIA ? "granted" : "denied",
'analytics_storage': consent.XTiK ? "granted" : "denied"
const initZarazConsent = () => {
if (zaraz.consent?.APIReady) {
} else {
document.addEventListener("zarazConsentAPIReady", handleZarazConsentAPIReady);
document.addEventListener("zarazConsentChoicesUpdated", zarazConsentChoicesUpdated);
Suisseo Charter
We are committed to following impeccable ethics in the management of your digital marketing project. At Suisseo, there are NO captive accounts, hidden fees, or neglected campaigns once the setup is complete. Your success is our obsession, and we strive for excellence to drive your business to success.